Top Arts 2023 – Lilith Pett

Folio: Lilith Pett – Art Making and Exhibiting

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 1 –

Explore and evaluate artworks, artistic influences and inspiration in specific artforms to develop ideas and visual language.

On this page, Lilith has researched, collated and documented in her Visual Arts journal the exploration of three artists in specific artforms. She has analysed the artist’s use of visual language to communicate ideas. Lilith has focused on the relationship of art elements and principles, and materials, techniques and processes.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Develop and make artworks in specific art forms.

Lilith has developed two artworks from sources of artistic influences and inspiration. The two artworks demonstrate the use of materials, techniques and processes in the specific artform of painting. The artworks demonstrate Lilith’s development of subject matter and style. The two artworks demonstrate an understanding of visual language to represent ideas and communicate meaning.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Develop and make artworks in specific art forms.

Lilith has developed two artworks from sources of artistic influences and inspiration. The two artworks demonstrate the use of materials, techniques and processes in the specific artform of painting. The artworks demonstrate Lilith’s development of subject matter and style. The two artworks demonstrate an understanding of visual language to represent ideas and communicate meaning.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 6 –

Extend and resolve ideas explored in Unit 3 in at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Lilith synthesises ideas from Unit 3 (first image) and extends and expands on the artwork by refining and resolving subject matter and visual language in the specific art form of painiting. She has created at least one finished artwork.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 6 –

Extend and resolve ideas explored in Unit 3 in at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Lilith synthesises ideas from Unit 3 (first image) and extends and expands on the artwork by refining and resolving subject matter and visual language in the specific art form of painiting. She has created at least one finished artwork.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Document and record artmaking and the refinement and resolution of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Lilith has progressively documented and recorded the resolution and refinement using written and visual documentation of at least one finished artwork. She discusses how she has materials and techniques to create a series of paintings.