Top Arts 2023 – Milo Strangio

Folio: Milo Strangio – Art Creative Practice

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 1 –

Research and analyse the ideas and issues explored by artists in their practice.

Milo researched artists who explored ideas he was interested in.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 1 –

Milo researched the ideas and issues that inspired the body of work. He has researched ideas around women’s rights from the point of view of an artist and a photojournalist.

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 1 –

The continued research of images from different periods of time informed the exploration of issues and ideas in Milo’s work.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Apply and manipulate materials, techniques and processes to develop personal responses and a visual language using the Creative Practice.

Milo explored his selected artform of photography to develop Visual language that communicated his ideas. Milo’s documentation included critically reflective annotation and that progressively evaluated the development of their artwork. Using the Creative Practice Milo could have applied the Structural and Cultural lenses to evaluate his personal responses.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Present a critique of the use of the Creative Practice from Unit 3 and use feedback and reflection to resolve a body of work.

In Unit 4 Area of Study 1 in Art Creative Practice, students are required to present a critique of the work completed for Unit 3 Outcome 2. The critique in Area of Study 1 must take place before the student commences the resolution of their body of work. This page of exploration using images that Milo has reshot, demonstrates how feedback informed how Milo was going to refine, resolve and present his body of work.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Document, annotate and evaluate the refinement and resolution of the Body of Work.

In response to feedback Milo provided a reflection and evaluation of his exploration and planned the further development and refinement of his artworks expanding on the ideas they explored.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Milo explored his selected artform of photography considering aspects such as focal length and shutter speed. These techniques contribute to the development of visual language and the communication of ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Milo documented the exploration of materials and techniques to develop a visual language. He explored, experimented with and resolved personal visual responses influenced by specific ideas and issues. In this example, Milo is exploring the presentation of their artwork.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Milo critically evaluated the development of visual language used to communicate ideas and issues. Throughout the documentation Milo used reflection and evaluation to develop and refine his artwork. In this example they are evaluating the use of perspective in the presentation of their artworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Milo continued to explore materials and techniques to develop their visual language and resolve personal visual responses influenced by specific ideas and issues. In this example Milo is reflecting on the use of lighting in the presentation of his artwork.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Milo continued to explore, experiment with and resolve personal visual responses influenced by specific ideas and issues. They critically evaluated the development of visual language used to communicate ideas and issues. Using the Creative Practice the Interpretive Lenses can be applied to evaluate the process and refine an artwork.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Milo refined and resolved their personal visual responses and visual language by critically evaluating and selecting images for his final artwork. Using the Creative Practice Milo could have applied the three Interpretive Lenses (Structural, Personal and Cultural) to evaluate the selection of the images and how they could communicate his ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 10 –

Resolve and present a Body of Work to communicate ideas and meaning to a viewer or audience.

Resolution and refinement of visual language to communicate ideas in a body of work is evident. In this example Milo considered the presentation of the artwork to communicate his intention considering scale and size of images. They are refining and resolving his use of visual language to communicate ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 10 –

The terminology that Milo has used in their evaluations is applicable to VCE Art Creative Practice. There are several artworks that constitute their body of work that focuses on women’s rights and advocacy. Milo refined and resolved their visual language to communicate ideas in a body of work. They have considered and evaluated the presentation and context of the body of work. Using the Creative Practice Milo could have applied the three Interpretive Lenses (Structural, Personal and Cultural) to evaluate the selection of the images and how they could communicate his ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

Refine and resolve a Body of work using the Creative Practice.

Milo has skilfully refined and resolved materials, techniques and processes in his selected artform. He has refined and resolved visual language to communicate ideas in a body of work.