Refinement, Resolution and Presentation (Context)
Reflection and Evaluation
You must consider the presentation and context of your Body of Work, and how ideas and meaning are communicated to a viewer or audience.
Jett documented, annotated and evaluated the refinement and resolution of her Body of Work. In order to fully resolve and present their finished artwork, the student used an earlier trial to experiment with mounting on foamcore board. Jett made the decision to mount the triptych on foamcore “to ensure stability and protection whilst also giving the print depth as it will sit slightly off against the wall.”
Refinement, Resolution and Presentation (Context).
Reflection and Evaluation
The decisions Jett made referring to the context of the work were documented. Jett explained that the photographs would be presented as an installation. The final presentation of the installation work would include the sculpture aspect (the three props) of the artwork and the three mounted photographs.
Jett made a safety consideration in terms of context, deciding to “display these on a short plinth so viewers can come close to the piece but without getting too close.” The plinths would be placed on fake grass as a reference to the location of the photoshoot. Jett also annotated the placement of the mounted prints in relation to each other to support a clear narrative connection.