
Nendo / Japan

image of Nendo

Oki Sato designer
Canada born 1977, emigrated to Japan c. 1987
Nendo, Tokyo design studio
Japan est. 2002

Manga chairs, 2015, and Trace sconce, 2016, lights both explore the ways in which objects can be expressive – creating the impression of movement or playing with our sense of perspective by manipulating light and shadow.

The Manga chairs, 2015, translate traditional graphic forms from Japanese manga comics to furniture design. Manga comics are characteristically flat and abstract, with line work typified by visual dynamism. The style, which developed in the late nineteenth century, has its origins in earlier ukiyo-e prints from the Edo period and today is an iconic form. Each of the fifty standard chairs is reimagined with a design element drawn from manga; lines that depict movement, speech bubbles and symbols are all used to visualise emotion.

The Trace lights, 2016, series explores the movement of everyday objects. Although they may not be visible, we are subconsciously aware of the ‘traces’ left by moving objects. Through slim aluminium extrusions, this lighting series traces the trajectory of a hanging light bulb swinging left and right, and the trace of a beam of light that is projected from the lighting.


Oki Sato is the founder and chief designer of Japanese design studio Nendo. Since 2002 Nendo has produced graphic, product, furniture, installation and interior design that fulfil the studio’s mandate to deliver small moments of sudden insight. Nendo has presented exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York; Centre Pompidou in Paris; the Victoria and Albert Museum in London; and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Supported by Bruce Parncutt AO and Robin Campbell, and Michael and Emily Tong.