
Pae White / United States of America

image of Pae White

United States born 1963

Known for her boundary-pushing installations using thread, yarn and weaving, Pae White’s installation (Untitled), 2017, uses graphic forms writ large as the starting point for an exploration of space. Acrylic yarn extends the outline of the flat shapes in three-dimensions, as solid lines within the gallery. Moving through the room and between the coloured forms shifts the viewer’s perception of space as new compositions of line, form and colour reveal themselves from different positions.

White’s second work in the NGV Triennial, Spearmint to peppermint, 2013, is one of a number of recent tapestry works by the Californian artist, depicting the crumpled folds of crushed reflective foil. While initially the weave appears hyperreal and almost photographic, on closer inspection the effect reveals itself to be a vibration between material and printed image. This illusion is enhanced by what appears to be the transformation of dull cotton and polyester thread into reflective metal.


White has exhibited extensively across the United States and internationally over the past twenty years, as well as undertaking projects for the Venice Biennale in 2009 and Whitney Biennale in 2010. She has executed commissions for Transport for London, the New Opera House in Oslo, and Berlin Brandenburg and Los Angeles airports.

Supported by the Donald Russell Elford and Dorothy Grace Elford Bequest.