
Timo Nasseri / Germany

image of Timo Nasseri

Germany born 1972

The polished stainless steel surface of Timo Nasseri’s sculpture Epistrophy, 2016–17, reflects and refracts our image as we look at it. The complex patterns that Nasseri has used are drawn from traditional Islamic muqarnas, a form of architectural ornamented vaulting used in Islamic and Persian architecture from the eleventh century onwards. When looked at from below, muqarnas create an abstract image of infinity. Nasseri uses mathematical formulae to transform traditional designs into new arrangements, combining science with art to open up spaces for the poetic and fantastic.


Born in Germany to Iranian and German parents in 1972, Timo Nasseri has inherited both Western and Eastern cultural practices and traditions. Nasseri explores the material and immaterial dimensions of the languages of mathematics, architecture, Islamic patterning and Farsi culture through his sculpture and drawing practice. Although trained as a photographer, Nasseri is a multidisciplinary artist whose practice includes photography, sculpture and drawing. He participated in the Abraaj Group Art Prize in 2011 and the Drawing Room Biennial at London’s Drawing Room Gallery in 2015.

Supported by Rose Downer and John Downer AM.
Travel support provided by the Elizabeth Summons Grant in Memory of Nicholas Draffin.