Today, the idea of ‘virtual’ has come to refer largely to virtual technologies – gaming, augmented realities and, increasingly, the application of these technologies for social and community benefit, such as health and wellness. However, virtual worlds, objects and things long predate modern computing technology. When considered in its simplest form, ‘virtual’ suggests something simulated, approximated, almost real or standing in for something else. Virtual worlds have long existed and in the creative arts, particularly, the virtual has always been present. Paintings, novels, biography, blueprints, photography, film – these are all versions of the virtual, equipping people to take a journey without leaving their own physical space, to experience other places, times, narratives or lives, while existing, simultaneously, within their own construct.
In fact, the desire for virtual realities, parallel experiences, uninhibited access to other worlds and stories, is one that is deeply ingrained in the human psyche. Imagination and curiosity are arguably our strongest assets as humans. And we both exercise and satiate these characteristics through our endless creations of the virtual.
The 3D Additivism Manifesto
BY Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Morehshin Allahyari’s The Distributed Monument is accompanied by the The 3D Additivist Manifesto, a document published by Allahyari and writer and artist Daniel Rourke. The manifesto sets out the precepts of #Additivism, a movement that aims to disrupt material, social, computational, and metaphysical realities through provocation, collaboration, and ‘weird’ / ...LEARN MOREArticle
‘If you walk in someone else’s shoes, then you’ve taken their shoes’: empathy machines as appropriation machines
BY Robert Yang
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Robert Yang investigates the role of virtual reality as empathy machines. His recent video game The Tearoom is a free, historical, public bathroom simulator about cruising, anxiety, and police surveillance. View WorkLEARN MOREVideo
BY Alan Warburton
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
The Primitives series explores the use of virtual crowd simulation to create sublime and spectacular computer-generated scenes of conflict, disaster and death for film and television. Expensive crowds of extras no longer need to be hired, fed and paid – now an army of digital bodies can be created at ...LEARN MOREArticle
The Distributed Monument
BY Morehshin Allahyari
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Material Speculation is a digital fabrication and 3D printing project by Morehshin Allahyari that inspects Petropolitical and poetic relationships between 3D Printing, Plastic, Oil, Technocapitalism and Jihad. The Distributed Monument, aspects of which are visualised here as a process of documented destruction, research, and reconstruction, is a recovery of the ...LEARN MOREVideo
Guantanamo Bay Museum of Art and History
BY Ian Alan Paul
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Founded in 2012, the Guantanamo Bay Museum of Art and History operates as a critical fiction and experimental documentary, asserting that the Guantanamo Bay detention facilities have been closed and replaced by a museum that critically reflects on the social and political significance of the prison. The museum features an ...LEARN MOREArticle
The Black Flag: Guantanamo Bay and the State of Exception
BY Derek Gregory
THEME LEADER Ian Alan Paul & James Bridle
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Founded in 2012, the Guantanamo Bay Museum of Art and History operates as a critical fiction and experimental documentary, asserting that the Guantanamo Bay detention facilities have been closed and replaced by a museum that critically reflects on the social and political significance of the prison. The museum features an ...LEARN MOREArticle
The Realm of Rough Telepathy
BY Ingrid Burrington and Meredith Whittaker
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Ingrid Burrington presents six sigils which are magical reflections on The Realm of Rough Telepathy: story fragments, spells, sigils, incantations, and recipes that taken together provide the real and incomplete account of the pursuit, discovery, and global ascendancy of Rough Telepathy, commonly referred to as the Internet. The Realm of ...LEARN MOREVideo
Spectacle, Speculation, Spam
BY Alan Warburton
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Accompanying the series Primitives by Alan Warburton is a video essay, entitled Spectacle, Speculation, Spam, which explores digital and experimental animation, and its relationship to visual art, history, institutions, and critical theory. View PrimitivesLEARN MOREArticle
The Aegean Datahaven
BY Kyriaki Goni
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Kyriaki Goni’s Aegean Datahaven is a speculative project to create a series of repositories for personal and other data across the islands of the Aegean sea. Long connected by myths and civilisations, the islands today face harsh social and economic pressures, which can only be addressed through collective action and ...LEARN MOREArticle
The Savage Mind
BY Daniela Mitterberger and Tiziano Derme
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Daniela Mitterberger and Tiziano Derme investigate notions of the reality of past events, debating on identity and alterity using Digital Architecture and Virtual Reality. For Triennial Voices, Daniela Mitterberger and Tiziano Derme shared The Savage Mind, an art project which examines the relation between intangible cultural heritage, technology and the ...LEARN MOREArticle
The Tearoom
BY Robert Yang
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Robert Yang’s most recent game, The Tearoom, is a free, historical, public bathroom simulator about cruising, anxiety, and police surveillance. In 1962, the Mansfield, Ohio police department setup a hidden surveillance camera behind a two-way mirror, and secretly filmed men having sex with men in a public bathroom. The police ...LEARN MOREArticle
Tangible 3D Urban Simulation Table
BY Flora Salim
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Flora Salim researches human mobility and behaviour analytics, using context and activity recognition, and urban intelligence. For Triennial Voices Flora Salim shares a video presenting the Tangible 3D Urban Simulation Table– a model to illustrate how the urban landscape could integrate design alternatives created via volatile environmental phenomena, human movements ...LEARN MOREVideo
Exploring Learning through Interactive Hologram
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Alan Pert, Clare Newton and Paul Loh are part of the Melbourne School of Design, the graduate school of the Faculty of Architecture, focusing on the built environment. For Triennial Voices, they shared Exploring learning through interactive hologram– a video illustrating a hologram presented at the University of Melbourne, with ...LEARN MOREPodcast
VR Gesturing: Re-imagining Piranesi
BY Paul Loh, Mond Qu and David Leggett
THEME LEADER The National Gallery of Victoria
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Paul Loh, Mond Qu and David Leggett examine the role of virtual reality in spatial design, examining how this technology not only influences but changes the way that designers, architects and artists model objects, perceive and understand space. To test the full capabilities of virtual reality, Paul Loh and his ...LEARN MOREArticle
On the Virtual
BY James Bridle
THEME LEADER National Gallery of Victoria
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
James Bridle on the essence of virtuality, merging it’s existence within the physical world.LEARN MOREArticle
Living with our Daemons
BY Ingrid Burrington
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Ingrid Burrington presents six sigils which are magical reflections on The Realm of Rough Telepathy: story fragments, spells, sigils, incantations, and recipes that taken together provide the real and incomplete account of the pursuit, discovery, and global ascendancy of Rough Telepathy, commonly referred to at the Internet. The Realm of ...LEARN MOREArticle
Living on the sea surrounded by the sea
BY Kyriaki Goni
SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.
Kyriaki Goni’s Aegean Datahaven is a speculative project to create a series of repositories for personal and other data across the islands of the Aegean sea. View WorksLEARN MORE