Installation view of Azuma Makoto’s work on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Sean Fennessy<br/>

Azuma Makoto

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Azuma Makoto
Japan born 1976

Ground Level
NGV International
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Drop time presents the lifecycle of flowers in hyper-speed, time-lapsed and shown in both forward motion and reverse. Set against a discordant soundscape, the video exposes us again and again to the mesmerising metamorphosis of flowers from bloom to wilt, celebrating each stage of the plants’ genesis and eventual decay. A mark of both celebration and sorrow, flowers have historically been used to acknowledge life, death and the passing of time; Drop time invites a moment to reflect on their significance in both culture and environment.

Defying the biological lifecycle of flowers and plants, the 130 resin-cast flowers in A Chaotic Garden reflect the existential urge to conserve beauty and resist decay. Held in an ambiguous state somewhere between life and death, Makoto’s Block flowers suspend biological specimens in time. Pausing the lifecycle of the flowers at the peak of their visual splendour, Block flowers allows us to appreciate the beauty of each species and contemplate the competing values of immortality and temporality.

Explore A Chaotic Garden interactive

Azuma Makoto has been in the flower business since 2002 and is an owner of the haute-couture floral shop JARDINS des FLEURS in Minami-Aoyama, Tokyo. In 2005 he began to explore the artistic possibilities of expression by flowers and plants. In 2009 he launched an experimental botanical collective, Azuma Makoto, Kaju Kenkyusho (AMKK), and continues to present experimental works at museums, galleries and public spaces both in Japan and internationally. His work has ranged in scale from immense botanical sculptures to the micro-world, where flowers are scanned using X-ray technology, positioning of flowers as ‘life’.

Purchased with funds donated by Bagôt Gjergja Foundation, Andrew Penn AO and Kallie Blauhorn, Michael Buxton AM and Janet Buxton, Paul and Samantha Cross, Anthony and Clare Cross, Cameron Oxley and Bronwyn Ross and the Woods5 Foundation, 2023

Proudly supported by Major Partner Chadstone – The Fashion Capital.