
Francisco Mata Rosas | Mexico City

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Francisco Mata Rosas
Mexico born 1958

Megacities, Level 3
NGV International
View on map

‘Mexico City is for me a torrent of energy and stimuli of all kinds. Since its foundation, the result of generations of migration, it is constantly transformed, incorporating new inhabitants, ways of life, and political, cultural and above all visual expressions. This diverse city offers me the possibility of rediscovering it every time I walk it. The recent political and economic changes also influence its constant reformation, and therefore my way of relating to it. Being part of the crowds in this city, of these baroque and even kitsch street scenes, understanding that the recycling and resignification of many objects are part of our daily lives, being part of this and not only witness, shapes me not only in my photographic activity but also in my definition of citizen and person.’

Francisco Mata Rosas is one of Mexico’s leading documentary photographers. His vibrant, colourful photographs show the vast expanses of Mexico City exploring both colonial architecture and vernacular structures, crowded street scenes and the individual in the city. Mata Rosas’s work is celebrated for meticulously portraying everyday life in Mexico with sensitivity and humour. He studied visual arts and social communication sciences in Mexico and is currently a professor in the Communications school at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Cuajimalpa in Mexico City. Mata Rosas has held eighty solo shows and participated in more than 180 group exhibitions, and is represented in numerous collections in Mexico and internationally.

Sound & music by Isaac Soto.

The NGV warmly thanks the Orloff Family Charitable Trust, and Barry Janes and Paul Cross for their support.