
JT White | Seoul

Photo: courtesy of the artist

JT White
Canada born 1981, lives in South Korea

Megacities, Level 3
NGV International
View on map

‘Seoul is the fastest changing place I’ve ever seen. It’s shocking really. The turnover in development is so fast it makes my head spin. One day a building will be a cell phone shop and the next an academy. I’ve heard it’s been this way since the war. In terms of the environment itself the urban jungle remains urban.’

Canadian JT White, also known as Josh White, has been living and working in Seoul since 2007. Shortly after arriving in Seoul he began to make photographs, initially to share images with family and friends, but he quickly moved to working full time in photography, publishing zines and sharing his work via his blog and on Instagram. He describes his photographs as a visual diary that documents the street life of Seoul. Describing his work JT White wrote, ‘In street photography, we take photos of small moments in other’s lives. In that instant, a connection is created.’

Sound & music by Salamanda.

The NGV warmly thanks the Orloff Family Charitable Trust, and Barry Janes and Paul Cross for their support.