Installation view of the 2023 NGV Architecture Commission: <em>(This is) Air by Nic Brunsdon</em> at NGV International<br/>

Nic Brunsdon

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Nic Brunsdon
Australia born 1980

Ground Level
NGV International
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Making the invisible visible, (This is) Air, 2023, developed by Nic Brunsdon in collaboration with ENESS, draws attention to one of the universal and defining features of life on Earth: breathing air.

Utilising air as a building material, the commission will morph and change throughout the day as it expands and then releases air in a natural rhythm. A poignant study of air and time, the fully inflated spherical structure will stand over 14 metres tall, evoking a sense of uplifting optimism. Throughout the day, the structure will ‘exhale’, releasing gusts of air and forming an array of cloud-like configurations, before filling to capacity once more. The structure invites audiences to consider humanity’s relationship to this essential and yet invisible element. By making air seen, heard and felt, the work highlights our connection to and dependency on air – a finite resource whose quality is becoming increasingly affected.

Nic Brundson is principal of his eponymous architecture studio based in Perth, Nic Brunsdon Architects. In 2015 Brunsdon won the Australian Institute of Architects Emerging Architect Award for Western Australia and nationally. He is the 2015 recipient of the Dulux International Study Tour for Emerging Architects, the 2017/18 recipient of the Gil Nicol Biennial International Study Bursary and a founding Board Member of Activate Perth. He is Chair of the Perth Centre for Photography, and Director of Spacemarket, which pairs disused spaces with useful people. He has worked on policy formation and development at all levels of government. The studio has received recognition at the World Architecture Festival, Houses Awards, INDE.Awards, Loop Awards, Australian Institute of Architects Awards and the Dezeen Awards.