
Saumya Khandelwal | New Delhi

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Saumya Khandelwal
India born 1991

Megacities, Level 3
NGV International
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‘This is a city that sustains hundreds of migrants who have brought a part of themselves to this place. Even in its travails and tribulations, they see hope of sustenance and growth, in the hope of providing for a better life for future generations. Despite the political turbulence that the country faces, this place finds a way to float and sustain. This is a place of possibilities, apprehensions and turmoil and a boiling pot of people from all backgrounds. This is the idea of Delhi that I am interested in and am focusing on with this project.’

Indian photographer Saumya Khandelwal focuses on gender and environmental issues. She is a storyteller who uses photography – documentary photography, street photography and photojournalism – to build nuanced pictures of life in contemporary India. Based in Delhi and working independently, Khandelwal is a contributing photographer for numerous international publications including TIME, National Geographic, The New York Times and the Hindustan Times. She was the recipient of the National Foundation of India Award 2017, and her work has been exhibited at Getty Images Gallery, London; Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong; India Photo Festival, Hyderabad; and Goa Photo Festival.

Sound & music by Angad Berar.

The NGV warmly thanks the Orloff Family Charitable Trust, and Barry Janes and Paul Cross for their support.