Installation view of Yining Fei’s <em>Duke of Apple in the Vile Oubliette</em> and Lucy Bull’s <em>20:59</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 to 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>

Fei Yining

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Fei Yining
China born 1990

Level 2
NGV International
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Combining the absurd with the real, Fei Yining creates fictional worlds and speculative narratives across digital media and sculpture. Her sculptures, originally made to scan into her digital animations, appear monstrous and are inspired by horror and suspense writers, such as Edgar Allen Poe and The Scarlet House writer Angela Carter. Offering her creations as pieces of furniture, she juxtaposes their grotesque nature with utility. In Duke of Apple in the Vile Oubliette, her creature leans back into the shape of an armchair. The artist seems to challenge us, asking if we would want to sit in such a peculiar and unsettling piece.

Fei Yining received an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design, the New School, New York. Taking inspiration form literature, mythology and science, Fei Yining works across video, installation and sculpture. Her work can be seen as a prophetic vision that combines science and fantasy, a speculation of a post-apocalyptic scenario that is increasingly full of uncertainty. She has exhibited at the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, Beijing; Qianshao Contemporary Art Center, Shanghai; Tank, Shanghai; and Parsons School of Design.

Purchased with funds donated by Rob Gould, 2022