Audio Descriptions: Triennial

Hear detailed descriptions of two artworks from the NGV Triennial 2023 produced in collaboration with Access2Arts.

Each artwork has an audio track with the artwork description plus some factual information.

Click on the images to enlarge them. Image captions are available at the bottom of this page.

ARTWORK 1: Fernando Laposse
Branch joinery system 2023
Playback speed: 1X 1.5X 2X 2.5X
ARTWORK 2: Maureen Ali, Freda Ali, Freda Wayartja Ali, Bonnie Burarngarra, Gabriella Garrimara, Doreen Jinggarrabarra, Lorna Jin-gubarrangunyja, Indra Prudence, Jennifer Prudence, Zoe Prudence
Mun-dirra (Maningrida fish fence) 2023
Playback speed: 1X 1.5X 2X 2.5X

Artwork number 1: Fernando Laposse Branch joinery system 2023. Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Purchased with funds donated by The Andrew and Geraldine Buxton Foundation © Fernando Laposse

Artwork number 2: Maureen Ali, Freda Ali, Freda Wayartja Ali, Bonnie Burarngarra, Gabriella Garrimara, Doreen Jinggarrabarra, Lorna Jin-gubarrangunyja, Indra Prudence, Jennifer Prudence, Zoe Prudence
Mun-dirra (Maningrida fish fence) 2023. Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Purchased with funds donated by Lisa Fox, 2023 © The artists and Maningrida Arts and Culture


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