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How might the everyday objects or rituals of one person prompt us to think differently about our own world or the experiences of others? How does what we do and the way we live help to shape who we are?

These works consider how artists and designers elevate moments, scenes or materials from daily life into something extraordinary. Through this lens we can encounter different ways of living, from domestic routines in urban Los Angeles to portraits from Johannesburg and camp dogs in Aurukun, far north Queensland. These encounters open up new worlds: revealing not only ways of life but a direct connection to cultures, people and communities previously little-known to us.

Engaging with everyday life can mean making with found materials, such as scrap paper from billboards or local grasses, or referencing things that are commonplace where the artist has lived or worked; for instance, bicycles and soft drink bottles. Language, common phrases or colloquialisms are another means of accessing what constitutes ‘everyday’ for some – with both positive and more confronting implications. And for others, the everyday can be both routine and ritual, embracing or reviving traditional skills and crafts, or making things in collaboration with family or community.

Celebrating the Everyday

Due to NGV procedures regarding light sensitive objects, the works below have been removed from display for the remainder of the exhibition.