Nature Recoded | Refik Anadol in Conversation with Simone LeAmon

Quantum Memories is Refik Anadol’s most technically and conceptually ambitious work to date. Commissioned by the NGV for Triennial 2020, the work draws upon a dataset of more than two hundred million nature-related images from the internet, which are processed using quantum computing software and a supercomputer programmed with machine learning algorithms.

Representing our collective memory of nature Quantum Memories encourages us to imagine the immense potential for next level computing and artificial intelligence (AI) through Anadol’s large-scale, audio-visual artwork presented in NGV’s Federation Court.

Celebrating the opening of the NGV Triennial at NGV International, Anadol discusses the concept and creative process behind the artwork with NGV’s Curator of Contemporary Design and Architecture Simone LeAmon.

The NGV warmly thanks Triennial Champions Barry Janes & Paul Cross and Loti & Victor Smorgon Fund for their support. NEC is extremely proud to be a supporting partner of the NGV Triennial 2020 and Refik Anadol’s Quantum Memories digital artwork.

The NGV’s success is built on the dedicated support of our philanthropic community. Through the NGV’s Annual Giving program, we invite supporters to make a gift towards areas of the Gallery you feel most passionate about. Donations of all sizes are welcome. Learn more


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