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16 famous sights of Lake Biwa JAPANESE The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn First series: Some poets R. B. KITAJ A series of twelve profile portraits of Aborigines of New South Wales William FERNYHOUGH Europaeische Graphik IV Eduard BARGHEER; Massimo CAMPIGLI; Otto DIX; Renato GUTTUSO; Erich HECKEL; Horst JANSSEN; Christian KRUCK; Gerhard MARCKS; Ludwig MEIDNER; Hans PURRMANN; Sergio VACCHI Landscape with a clump of trees Théodore ROUSSEAU Designs for the St Michael's Uniting Church (Melbourne) stained-glass window cycle Klaus ZIMMER Betel-box BURMESE Panton chair HERMAN MILLER, Michigan (manufacturer); Verner PANTON (designer) Europaeische Graphik VI Rudolf BELLING; Max BILL; Reg BUTLER; Eduardo CHILLIDA; Barbara HEPWORTH; Marino MARINI; Henry MOORE; Fritz WOTRUBA; Ossip ZADKINE Flat colour Sally MARSLAND Sabhūti MUNAKATA Shikō 10 chairs Simon KLOSE Charity Heinrich ALDEGREVER The listeners Gwyn HANSSEN PIGOTT Crucifixion with Many Figures (The Crucifixion in Outline) Albrecht DÜRER Untitled 1995/96 Bill HENSON Self-portrait Joseph WRIGHT of Derby 20 frog poems: Hill song (floury baker) for G. B. Robert MacPHERSON Australian childhood Geoffrey HARVEY Europaeische Graphik I Reg BUTLER; Lynn CHADWICK; Henry MOORE; John PIPER; William SCOTT; Graham SUTHERLAND Kunwarrde Bim: Injalak Hill suite Graham Badari; Gershom Garlngarr; Gabriel Maralngurra; Roderick Maralngurra; Bardayal Nadjamerrek; Isaiah Nagurrgurrba; Glen Namundja; Wilfred Nawirridj; Joey Nganjmirra; Wesley Nganjmirra Language and chaos II Mike PARR Crossroads millennium portfolio of Australian Aboriginal artists Johnny Bulunbulun; Robert Cole; Kitty Kantilla; Mick Kubarrkku; Queenie McKenzie; Ada Bird Petyarr; Gloria Tamerre Petyarr; Ginger Riley Munduwalawala; Rover Thomas; Ronnie Tjampitjinpa; Turkey Tolson Tjupurrula; Judy Watson Le Diable boiteux or The Devil upon two sticks, conveying John Bull to the land of promise James GILLRAY Trial of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury Wenceslaus HOLLAR Corset and skirt JEAN PAUL GAULTIER, Paris (fashion house); Jean Paul GAULTIER (designer) Mystics and prophets Eugene CARCHESIO Satan going forth from the Presence of the Lord William BLAKE The Destruction of Job's Sons William BLAKE