<em>Doll's dress</em> (c. 1865) <!-- (front view) --><br />

silk, linen, paper, metal<br />
53.0 cm (centre back) 15.7 cm (waist, flat)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Lady Nicholson and her daughter, 1951<br />
1054-D4<br />

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Atalanta's race UNKNOWN; Pet. LUCATELLO (after) Nymphs recovering the body of Leander UNKNOWN; Abraham BLOEMAERT (after) Colossus D. Michaelis Coelitum Taxiarchae UNKNOWN; Joannes REICHEL (after); Mattias KAGER (after) A Panel with dead game in a basket Benigno BOSSI Shepherd and a dog (A man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Die Jager (Plate 6) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Die Jager (Plate 11) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Die Jager (Plate 4) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Moses UNKNOWN; Cavaliere d’ARPINO (after) The Happy family UNKNOWN; Giovanni Battista CIPRIANI (after) St Andrew,St Jacob Lucas CRANACH I The Penitence of Saint Chrysostom UNKNOWN; Lucas CRANACH I (after) The Lamentation (The Large Passion) UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) Madonna Crowned by One Angel Albrecht DÜRER The Ill-Assorted Couple Albrecht DÜRER Madonna Queen of Angels Albrecht DÜRER St. Bartholomew Albrecht DÜRER Un Contadino Padolano, Viciona Napoli UNKNOWN La Terre UNKNOWN; Lud. de BOULLONGNE (after) The Pocket size Tlingit coffin Gerard TITUS-CARMEL The Judgement of Hercules (Herculis Judicium) UNKNOWN; Nicolas POUSSIN (after) Meekness (Comitas) UNKNOWN; RAPHAEL (after) The Pocket size Tlingit coffin Gerard TITUS-CARMEL George I (Georgius Mag. Britanniae Rex) UNKNOWN; Godfrey KNELLER (after) Return to the outskirts of Corinth (Ritorno alla sponda di Corinto) Giorgio DE CHIRICO Decamerone - Giornata Quarta UNKNOWN; Thomas STOTHARD (after) Domestic scene (Ah! ah! notre future!) UNKNOWN; Hubert-François GRAVELOT (after) St Stephen UNKNOWN; PALMA il Giovane (after) Helena Forman, Rubens second wife UNKNOWN; Anthony van DYCK (?MEYSSENS) (after); Richard EARLOM (after) Pyramus and Thisbe UNKNOWN; Leonard BRAMER (after)