<em>Doll's dress</em> (c. 1865) <!-- (front view) --><br />

silk, linen, paper, metal<br />
53.0 cm (centre back) 15.7 cm (waist, flat)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Lady Nicholson and her daughter, 1951<br />
1054-D4<br />

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Sunday Magazine Thomas DALZIEL Returning from market UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; John William NORTH (after) Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis UNKNOWN; R TOURNIERE (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; William SMALL (after) Robert Falconer UNKNOWN; William SMALL (after) Son Christopher UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) The Anglers of the Dove UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) The Village on the Cliff. Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederick WALKER (draughtsman) The Village on the Cliff Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederick WALKER (draughtsman) Denis Duval. UNKNOWN; Frederick WALKER (after) La Naissance de la Reine UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Venus blinding Cupid (Venus Cupidini Praeligans Oculos) UNKNOWN; TITIAN (after) La Destinee de la Reine UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Entry into Noah's Ark Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Harvesting time UNKNOWN; G. J. PINWELL (after) Conversation at the window UNKNOWN; G. J. PINWELL (after) The Distressed maiden UNKNOWN; Matthew James LAWLESS (after) The Captain's cabin UNKNOWN; Edward et al BARNARD (after) Midsummer night's dream UNKNOWN; John TENNIEL (after) A Maid deeply distressed UNKNOWN; Frederick SANDYS (after) The poet Jusepe de RIBERA Procession to the Temple Philip GALLE Angel Appearing in Clouds UNKNOWN; Abraham BLOEMAERT (after) Chioggia Hercules B. BRABAZON Illustration to Jack the Giant Killer Robert Anning BELL Illustration to Jack the Giant Killer Robert Anning BELL Windsor Castle: The Round Tower, Royal Court and Devil's Tower from the Black Rod Paul SANDBY The Grand Canal, Venice John Singer SARGENT