Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Landscape with rocks Abraham GENOELS II A country inn yard at the time of an election UNKNOWN; William HOGARTH (after) The farmyard with the cock J. M. W. TURNER Hind Head Hill J. M. W. TURNER Christ and the woman of Samaria J. M. W. TURNER The Agony in the Garden Sebald BEHAM Windfalls Arthur RACKHAM Rhythms Max ERNST Five lansquenets and an oriental on horseback Albrecht DÜRER The Temptation of the Idler Albrecht DÜRER Maximillian conferring the Fief of Milan upon Ludovico Sforza UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) Margarita de Austria Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Diego VELÁZQUEZ (after) Fat boy Peter BLAKE The carpenter's bench, a knife and fire David HOCKNEY; Brothers Grimm (author) Corpses on fire David HOCKNEY; Brothers Grimm (author) Fall of the Lallal creek, 112 feet high, branch of the Moorobool near Buninyong Eugene von GUÉRARD Cape Bridgewater and the grand encroaching white sand hommocs east from Lake Bonbong Eugene von GUÉRARD View from the Gaphill of the Serra Ranges. South western portion of the Australian Grampians Eugene von GUÉRARD Plate 5 from The Leda suite Sidney NOLAN Eucalyptus preissiana Margaret STONES Desolation Lionel LINDSAY Study, Australian soldier on horseback George W. LAMBERT Studies for sleeping group in Cymon and Iphigenia Frederic LEIGHTON Origin of the harpoons or banderillas Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) Another way of hunting on foot Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) A Spanish knight breaking short spears with the help of assistants Francisco GOYA y Lucientes A picador is unhorsed and falls under the bull Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Another madness of his in the same ring Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Death of Pepe Hillo (3rd composition) Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Banderillas with firecrackers Francisco GOYA y Lucientes