Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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The Presentation in the Temple with the angel: small plate REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Ruggiero is assailed by a groom, a horse, a bird and a dog Jean-Honoré FRAGONARD Holy family with the young St John resting in front of a wall Luca CAMBIASO Group of figures before a loggia facing and gesturing to the right Study of figures grouped around the swooning Virgin Pietro Paolo BONZI Vision of a saint Fragment of a study Francesco BARBIERI Landscape with a tower Giovanni Francesco GRIMALDI Baptism of Christ Carlo CIGNANI (attributed to) Christ seated in the clouds with the archangel Michael and two holy friars PALMA il Giovane (circle of) The holy family with angels Gianfrancesco PENNI Fracischina and Gian Farina Jacques CALLOT Cap. Cardoni and Maramao Jacques CALLOT Taglia Cantoni and Fracasso Jacques CALLOT Gian Fritello and Ciurlo Jacques CALLOT Scaramucia and Fricasso Jacques CALLOT Cicho Sgarra and Collo Francisco Jacques CALLOT The Rape of Europa CLAUDE LORRAIN Adam and Eve condemned to work Étienne DELAUNE (Allegory on covetousness) Étienne DELAUNE (engraver); Jean DELAUNE (after) Battle of Centaurs and Lapiths Pierre BRÉBIETTE Louis XIV Robert NANTEUIL Rydal water John VARLEY (attributed to) The Clock Tower, Paris Charles MERYON The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand Albrecht DÜRER Interlaced cord pattern with white medallion Albrecht DÜRER The Last Supper Albrecht DÜRER Landscape with cannon Albrecht DÜRER The Harrowing of Hell - Christ in Limbo Albrecht DÜRER The Deposition Albrecht DÜRER The Annunciation Albrecht DÜRER Noli me tangere - Christ appears to the Magdalen Albrecht DÜRER