NGVWA presents Liberty, Rebellion and High Stakes Fashion – A French Lunch<br/>
Image by Guy Lavoipierre courtesy of NGVWA Principal Event Partner, Kay & Burton<br/>
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Universal Exposition, Paris. Palace of National Manufactures. French section, exterior showing paintings UNKNOWN FIGURE Scene On the French Coast (Liber Studiorum) J. M. W. TURNER French walking dress UNKNOWN Sewing box FRENCH INDIAN / ANGLO-INDIAN Universal Exposition, Paris. Interior of the Industry Palace, stereograph E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., New York (manufacturer) Light orange with fine dark rim microalgae bowl Jessie FRENCH Tall transparent two-tone microalgae vessel Jessie FRENCH Train Journey of the French and German Ministers to a conference in London, July 1931 Erich SALOMON Universal Exposition, Paris. No. 9. The French lighthouse, commemorative plate LEBOUEF, MILLIET & CO., Creil et Montereau (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. Behind the Industry Palace – Paris, stereograph E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., New York (manufacturer) Tall orange two-tone microalgae vessel Jessie FRENCH Transparent two-tone microalgae bowl Jessie FRENCH A French soldier with drooping moustaches Théophile-Alexandre STEINLEN Universal Exposition, Paris. Palace of National Manufactures. French section, exterior showing paintings UNKNOWN Lace UNKNOWN The Felsenhohle near Muggendorf in French Switzerland G. B. RICHARDSON GLASS Universal Exposition, Paris. Palace of National Manufactures. French section, exterior showing paintings UNKNOWN Symbol Leonard FRENCH The ‘rentier’ and his wife Eugène GUILLAUMOT (wood-engraver); J.J. GRANDVILLE (draughtsman) Death and transfiguration Leonard FRENCH Universal Exposition, Paris. French Park, stereograph UNKNOWN Old Mac, an old Kosciusko character Lionel LINDSAY Foreign Ministers Conference on French-German collaboration at the Hotel Splendide, London, 1928 Erich SALOMON Lappet fragment (FRANCE) Love's pilgrimage Nikolaos GYSIS Universal Exposition, Paris. 33 French machines, cabinet print E. LADREY, Paris The family of André-François, Count Miot de Melito, (1762-1841) consul of France to Florence Louis GAUFFIER The city and harbour of Sydney, from near Vaucluse Thomas Shotter BOYS; George French ANGAS (after)