NGVWA presents Liberty, Rebellion and High Stakes Fashion – A French Lunch<br/>
Image by Guy Lavoipierre courtesy of NGVWA Principal Event Partner, Kay & Burton<br/>
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The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Universal Exposition, Paris. 129. Baccarat crystal No. 3, French section, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 558. Fine arts, French section, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 426. French crystal, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 422. The sinking of the Moduse, French park, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 386. French Park, artillery (No. 2), stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 431. View in the French Park, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 26. Fine Arts Gallery: French section, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 50. Ceramics, French section, stereograph J. LÉVY & CO, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 103. Inside the Palace of Fine Arts, French tissue stereograph J. LÉVY & CO, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 154. Pavilion of Hawaii, French tissue stereograph J. LÉVY & CO, Paris (manufacturer) Child's slip bodice UNKNOWN Jar CHINESE Scoop collecting lunar rubble NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Baron Taylor Gaspard-Felix Tournachon NADAR Contrejour in the French style David HOCKNEY French coast scene Frank SHORT (engraver); Richard Parkes BONINGTON (after) Conversation Rosslynd PIGGOTT Portrait of a French officer Rupert BUNNY Portrait of a gentleman Louis TOCQUÉ Night (no. 2) William ORPEN Universal Exposition, Paris. 202. Goldsmithing, French section, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 120. Palace of the Ministry of War, French tissue stereograph J. LÉVY & CO, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 242. Pavilion of Siam, French tissue stereograph J. LÉVY & CO, Paris (manufacturer) English and French fashions UNKNOWN Print left by Surveyor 3 pad when it bounced on landing NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 190. Pavilion of Mexico, French tissue stereograph J. LÉVY & CO, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 86. French galleries, artistic earthenware, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) French subjects R. B. KITAJ “Who are these men who have no streets named after them?” Ian Hamilton FINLAY