Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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The magnanimous minister chastising Prussian perfidy James GILLRAY Venus, Mercury and Cupid UNKNOWN The Industious 'Prentice a Favourite, and entrusted by his Master William HOGARTH The industrious 'prentice alderman of London, the idle one brought before him and impeach'd by his accomplice William HOGARTH Dragonflies and a bumble bee Wenceslaus HOLLAR Who is rich? Whoever covets nothing Wenceslaus HOLLAR Sir Isaac Newton Jacob HOUBRAKEN (engraver); Hubert-François GRAVELOT (engraver and draughtsman); Godfrey KNELLER (after) Arthur, Charlemagne, Godfrey of Bouillon Lucas van LEYDEN Issachar Jacques de GHEYN II; Karel van MANDER (after) Asher Jacques de GHEYN II; Karel van MANDER (after) Levi Jacques de GHEYN II; Karel van MANDER (after) Glastonbury Wenceslaus HOLLAR; Richard NEWCOURT (after) The emotional side of him was undoubtedly in the ascendant A. S. COKE Christ washing the feet of the Apostles Georg PENCZ Frontispiece to the works of Bishop Liutprand of Cremona Cornelis GALLE II (engraver); Erasmus QUELLINUS (draughtsman); Peter Paul RUBENS (after) The ring Edward GOODALL (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Christ and the woman of Samaria J. M. W. TURNER; Samuel William REYNOLDS (senior) (engraver) Sir Edward Coke Jacob HOUBRAKEN (engraver); Hubert-François GRAVELOT (engraver and draughtsman) Noah and his family leaving the house Crispijn de PASSE the elder; Marten de VOS (after) The Creation of Eve Crispijn de PASSE the elder; Marten de VOS (after) Jesus pierces with arrows the whole outer surface of the Heart Anton WIERIX II Jesus blesses the Heart Anton WIERIX II Jesus crowns the Heart enframed by palms Anton WIERIX II Jesus singing a hymn Anton WIERIX II Struggles Léopold FLAMENG (engraver); William Powel FRITH (after) Winter Wenceslaus HOLLAR Jan Nicquet Hendrick GOLTZIUS Jacob Jordaens Pieter de JODE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Noon David LUCAS (engraver); John CONSTABLE (after) A landscape and figures (The travellers) William Marshall CRAIG (draughtsman); John LANDSEER (engraver); Meindert HOBBEMA (after)