Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Lanterns of Sarras Frederick GRIGGS Jason J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Jason J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Original sketch of a picture for W. Leader, Esquire J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Morpeth, Northumberland J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) The farmyard with the cock J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Pembury Mill, Kent J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Lake of Thun, Swiss J. M. W. TURNER Lauffenbourgh on the Rhine J. M. W. TURNER; Thomas HODGETTS (engraver) Heding and Ditching J. M. W. TURNER; J. C. EASLING (engraver) Christ and the woman of Samaria J. M. W. TURNER; Samuel William REYNOLDS (senior) (engraver) Inverary Castle and Town, Scotland J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) The source of the Arveron in the valley of Chamouni Savoy J. M. W. TURNER East Gate, Winchelsea, Sussex J. M. W. TURNER; Samuel William REYNOLDS (senior) (engraver) Solitude J. M. W. TURNER; William SAY (engraver) Watercress gatherers J. M. W. TURNER; Thomas LUPTON (engraver) Mill near the Grand Chartreuse, Dauphiny J. M. W. TURNER; Henry DAWE (engraver) Tenth plague of Egypt J. M. W. TURNER; William SAY (engraver) Glaucus and Scylla J. M. W. TURNER; William SAY (engraver) Studies for sleeping group in Cymon and Iphigenia, and other figures Frederic LEIGHTON The way in which the ancient Spaniards hunted bulls on horseback in the open country Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) The Moors settled in Spain, giving up the superstitions of the Koran, adopted this art of hunting, and spear a bull in the open country Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) Manly courage of the celebrated Pajuelera in (the ring) at Zaragoza Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) The celebrated picador Fernando del Toro draws the fierce beast on with his pique Francisco GOYA y Lucientes An arquebusier Jacques de GHEYN II; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Saints Roch and Nicholas invoking the aid of the Virgin, reversed Pietro TESTA Two moths and six insects Wenceslaus HOLLAR Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR It's no use crying out Francisco GOYA y Lucientes There was no remdy and he died Francisco GOYA y Lucientes