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The Internet was 84.5% male and 82.3% white until now GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Guerrilla Girls' pop quiz GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) The red bandana Jim DINE A Natural History of the Lepidopterous Insects of New South Wales John LEWIN (Sea otter) Kiki SMITH (Squirrel) Kiki SMITH (Ermine) Kiki SMITH Statuary Gallery, Melbourne Public Library Charles RUDD Untitled (In December) Olga CHERNYSHEVA Leaning man Jim DINE Self-portrait in a flat cap (baboon) third state Jim DINE When racism and sexism are no longer fashionable, how much will your art collection be worth? GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) How many women artists had one-person exhibitions in NYC art museums last year? GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) John Russell thinks things are getting better for women artists GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) The advantages of being a woman artist GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Guerrilla Girls hits list GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Relax Senator Helms, the art world is your kind of place!  GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Where are the women artists of Venice GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Anatomically correct Oscar (billboard project) GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Dearest Eli Broad GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) The future for Turkish women artists GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) The new French tools 5 – Boulevard Victor, double sky Jim DINE How many women had solo shows at NYC museums? Recount GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Pop quiz update GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Dear art collector billionaire GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Guerrilla Girls' definition of a hypocrite GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Republicans do believe in a woman's right to control her own body GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Top ten signs that you're an artworld token GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) There's a tragedy on Broadway and it isn't Electra GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Supreme Court Justice supports right to privacy for gays and lesbians GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective)