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Robin Augustus JOHN Woman's skirt TAI LAO people World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. Entrance to the New York building E. A. HUDSON, Syracuse, New York (manufacturer) Our nurse at home Jim DINE What do these artists have in common? GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Women in America earn only 2/3 of what men do GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) At last! Museums will no longer discriminate against women and minority artists GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Which art mag was worst for women last year? GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Hidden agender/Passing the bucks GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Oh! The joys of being a woman playwright! GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Estrogen bomb GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Intercepted by the Guerrilla Girls GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Token times GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Horror on the National Mall GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Street scene, New York Lewis HINE Anatomically correct Oscar update GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) You're seeing less than half the picture GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Advantages of owning your own art museum GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Montgomery, Alabama 1955? GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) The Guerrilla Girls asked 383 European museums about diversity GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) If you're raped, you might as well "Relax and enjoy it," because no one will believe you GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Hormone imbalance, melanin deficiency GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) The estrogen bomb update GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Parrying shield Unknown (Baby polar bear) Kiki SMITH rub Riley PAYNE a season for every day Riley PAYNE Universal Exposition, Paris. Aerial view from United States Building UNKNOWN No title (Street scene) UNKNOWN Migration Sergio GONZALEZ-TORNERO