Collection Online
Portrait of a gentleman (with long grey wig)

Portrait of a gentleman (with long grey wig)
(c. 1700)

miniature: watercolour on ivory
(2.5 × 2.0 cm) 3.5 × 3.2 cm irreg. (frame)
Accession Number
International Prints and Drawings
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Bequest of Helen J. Gibson, widow of the late R. C. Sticht Jnr, 1994
Public domain
This digital record has been made available on NGV Collection Online through the generous support of the Joe White Bequest
Gallery location
Not on display
Subjects (general)
Human Figures Portraits
Subjects (specific)
frames (ornament areas) front views men (male humans) miniatures (paintings) miniaturists portrait heads single-sitter portraits wigs