
Middle and Senior Years Activity

Interpretative Frameworks

Andy WARHOL - Electric Chair 1971

American 1928–87
Electric Chair 1971
10 screenprints on paper, ed. 193/250
89.5 x 121.9 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Gift, Mr Peter M. Brant
© Andy Warhol/ARS, New York. Licensed by VISCOPY Australia


Middle Years and Senior Years Students


Humanities and VCE Art/Studio arts


To explore principles of design in art colour theories.


To do this activity you will need to:

Individual Task

How does Andy Warhol’s use of multiples and repetition contribute to the meaning of this work?

Research Questions

Research three other works by Warhol that use repetition and a series of images. Consider Warhol’s intention and the finished outcome for each of these works – do the works successfully convey his intention?

Group Task

Notice how Warhol displays differently coloured versions of the same image. Do these images initially seem pleasant or unpleasant? What influences your feelings? Record the responses from at least five people of different ages and from different locations- school, family, and friends. Discuss the findings.

Discussion Questions

How does each of the different coloured prints make you feel?

Are these colours at odds with the imagery depicted?

Does this perception change when we know more about the subject matter?