Christopher LG Hill

Born 1980, Melbourne, Victoria; lives and works in Melbourne. Christopher LG Hill was co-founder of artist-run space and studios Y3K and has participated in, and organised, many exhibitions, including Yummy Fantasy, Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne, 2010; CDJ, Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts, Auckland, 2011; Fury Road, Appendix Project Space, Portland, United States, 2012; Consultancy, NGV Studio, Melbourne, 2012; The Third/Fourth Melbourne Artist Facilitated Biennial, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Melbourne, 2013; and Regimes of Value, The Substation, Melbourne, 2013. In 2010 he participated in No Soul for Sale, an international exhibition of grassroots artist-run spaces and activity curated by Maurizio Cattelan at Tate Modern, London.

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