Jennifer McCamley

Janet Burchill, born 1955, Melbourne, Victoria; lives and works in Melbourne. Jennifer McCamley, born 1957, Brisbane, Queensland; lives and works in Melbourne. Janet Burchill and Jennifer McCamley have collaborated since 1985. Their major survey exhibition Tip of the Iceberg: Selected Works 1985–2001 was held at the University Art Museum, University of Queensland, and at the Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne, in 2001. Other exhibitions and projects include NEON: Janet Burchill/Jennifer McCamley, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 2005; 21st Century Modern: 2006 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art, Art Gallery of South Australia; Combine: Janet Burchill, Jennifer McCamley and Melinda Harper, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne, 2007; Light from Light, Queensland State Library, Brisbane, and Shanghai Library, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, and Hangzhou Library, China, 2010–11; The Emily Dickinson Project Continued, Shanthi Road Gallery, Bangalore, India, 2011; SCUM Tapes 68–96, Rodeo, Istanbul, 2013; and Aesthetic Suicide, World Food Books, Melbourne, 2013.

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