
Born 1946, Limassol, Cyprus; lives and works in Melbourne. A leading protagonist in performance art and the relationship between art and technology since the 1970s, Stelarc was appointed Honorary Professor of Art and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States, in 1977, and in 2003 was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Monash University, Melbourne. He is currently Distinguished Research Fellow, School of Design and Art, Curtin University, Perth. Stelarc has held group and solo exhibitions at the DOX Centre of Contemporary Art, Prague; Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe; Ludwig Museum/Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest; Royal College of Art Auditorium, London; Powerhouse Museum, Sydney; Stampa Gallery, Basel; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul; and Monash Gallery of Art. Stelarc: A Monograph was published in 2005.

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