Explore Projects

NGV Australia
NGV International
Now Number 005

Laith McGregor

While on residency at the Australia Council’s studio in Barcelona, Laith McGregor created a single enormous drawing, S-O-M-E-O-N-E, which employs the compositional structure of Picasso’s Guernica (1937) to record McGregor’s inspirations, thoughts, musings and doodlings in a stream-of-consciousness outpouring of drawing and text. This work is presented at NGV Australia, and as part of McGregor’s participation in Melbourne Now it is accompanied at NGV International by two other large drawings, OK and KO, which decorate the playing surface of two table-tennis tables and which also feature McGregor’s meticulously worked ballpoint ink imagery. 

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S-O-M-E-O-N-E is supported by Joan Clemenger.
OK and KO are supported by Loris Orthwein.

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