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Seurat used the point of his brush to dab colour onto his artwork. Up close this artwork looks like thousands of colourful spots.

When you step back your eyes blend the colours together. Seurat often worked day and night in his artist studio. Each colour had to dry before the next colour was added, so this took a long time.

Notice the details in the artwork:

  • The shadow of the boat
  • The different colours in the grass
  • The pattern on the flag.
Georges SEURAT
French 1859–91
Port-en-Bessin, the outer harbour, high tide 1888
(Port-en-Bessin, avant-port, marée haute)
oil on canvas
67.0 x 82.0 cm
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Purchased with funds from an anonymous Canadian donor, 1952 (RF 1952-1)
© RMN (Musée d'Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski