
Vienna: Share your story

If you or your family have a special Viennese story or connection, we’d love to share it. Please email your story to and it will appear on this website. You can also write your story in the Vienna Stories book at the Vienna: Art & Design exhibition.

Your stories

Please enjoy the stories below.

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Ivey

'In 1992, I was able to take a horse and carriage ride through the streets of Vienna and around Stefensdom. It was magical! Furthermore, the Mozart concert in the Town Hall was breathtaking and engaging. Vienna is a truly beautiful and romantic city – one to which I will definitely return with my family. Thanks for the lovely Vienna exhibition – I look forward to one day attending a Viennese ball!'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Yvonne

'My fondest memory is: I danced with my husband in the Vienna woods in 1976.'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Anon

'My grandfather was from Vienna. He had to flee in 1938 as a teenager from the Nazis. He made it to England where he was cared for by the Quakers for a time before being shipped to Australia. In 1996, I visited Vienna and saw Pa's old house and school.'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Claudette

'We only had two nights in Vienna when we visited last September. Since it is noted for its Opera House, we had to get to it – and managed only just. I can, however, happily say I was so glad to be in such a grand building. I will also not forget the Sacher Torte.'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Anon

'We spent four years in Vienna as Australian diplomats. It has become our second home and we often return to visit. What a joy it is to be able to see Klimt, Schiele and Hoffmann in Melbourne. Bliss! It has been a spiritual homecoming.'

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