
Vienna: Share your story

If you or your family have a special Viennese story or connection, we’d love to share it. Please email your story to and it will appear on this website. You can also write your story in the Vienna Stories book at the Vienna: Art & Design exhibition.

Your stories

Please enjoy the stories below.

Posted 13 Jul 2011
by Julie

'In the northern autumn and early winter of 2007, my husband, son and I visited Vienna, repaying a much earlier visit to our home in Bright of Lucia and Robert Fröschl (Lucia is a teacher who visited my school as part of an exchange program many years earlier. It took us a long time to make the return trip!) Whilst in Vienna – we were there almost a week – Robert, who worked as a valuer / assessor for the Dorotheum, showed us the sights of this beautiful city (sadly, Lucia had to work. I was on long service leave from my own school, enjoying every minute). Amongst the places of interest shown to us by Robert were the grand buildings of the Ringstrasse, the Schönbrunn Palace, and the Secession building, the purpose and origin of which I did not at the time understand. This exhibition has placed it for me now – in time and importance. Also during our stay with the Fröschls, my husband purchased for me a pendant which I am wearing as I write from the German jeweller, Frey Wille. It is silver and coloured enamel and reminds me, each time I wear it, of the city and its artists. For me, it will be the closest I ever get to possessing a masterpiece! It (and the earrings which have now joined it) remind me of Gustav Klimt's luminous colours. Some of the photographs in this exhibition also recalled for me the sights we saw around Vienna, particularly the mixture of older, smaller buildings and the more imposing architecture of Otto Wagner's time.'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Anna

'One of Vienna's famous nightclubs is located underground (in an old train station if I am not mistaken). It was quite different from the romantic Vienna you see on the ground – it was young and vibrant, but just as beautiful. I also ate my way from Sacher torte to schnitzel.'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Anon

'My grandfather was born in Austria and went to university in Vienna. Unfortunately, the Nazis destroyed his future life there – he made it to Australia in the late 1930s. The art and design of this exhibition reminds me of his home.'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Stella

'Years ago, I was an usher at the Malthouse Theatre. While there, I was lucky enough to see Robyn Archer perform many nights in Barry Kosky's Café Fledermaus. This exhibition brought back all those memories (even if not actually in Vienna!)'

Posted 08 Jul 2011
by Anon

'My grandfather was born in Trieste in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His family was given a title from Franz Josef the Emperor in the 1850s. Our family tree goes back to the seventeenth century. My grandfather went to university in Vienna and was a friend of Captain von Trapp. My mother is a Baroness as the family name was bestowed with the title of "von."

People of Austrian and German descent still recognise this. We have many original documents from Maria-Theresa and Franz Josef that should probably be in a museum in Vienna.'

© 2011 National Gallery of Victoria
