
Vienna: Share your story

If you or your family have a special Viennese story or connection, we’d love to share it. Please email your story to and it will appear on this website. You can also write your story in the Vienna Stories book at the Vienna: Art & Design exhibition.

Your stories

Please enjoy the stories below.

Posted 19 Jul 2011
by Maree

'I worked as an Au pair with a Viennese family with four children for 7 months in 1996. It was a wonderful experience immersing myself in the language, culture and the vibrancy of Vienna.

As my family were very interested in art and music they encouraged me to experience all the amazing things Vienna had to offer. My fondest memories are going to orchestral concerts and the opera for the first time at the Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper); the stehplaetze (standing room) tickets were only 50 Austrian Schillings (about 3 Euro) at the time, so I went often.

I loved wandering around places like Schönbrunn Palace and the Stephansdom, but it was probably going to see Gustav Klimt’s famous painting The Kiss at the beautiful Belvedere museum that sticks in my memory the most about my time in Vienna. I just stood there for ages, mesmerized! I've been back to Europe a few times over the years and have always just had to go back to Vienna for another visit to my former Au pair family, the children are all grown up now but it's so great to go back and visit this city which has so much to offer.'

Posted 13 Jul 2011
by Caitlin

'Though I’ve never been to Vienna, I’ve always wanted to. I was obsessed with the famous Spanish Riding School of Vienna, home of the famous Lipizzaner horses. In 2004, I had the pleasure of seeing these horses in St Louis, Missouri, USA with my father who passed away four years ago. I still have the program from that show and a lovely toy Lipizzaner horse. It was incredible to see such beautiful horses. I will never forget it and this exhibition reminded me so much of the beauty and grace that Vienna so much represents. Someday I will visit!'

Posted 13 Jul 2011
by Anon

'In December 2010, my sister and I travelled to Vienna on a Contiki tour. Out of all 12 cities I visited over a month, Vienna was the most memorable. While there, I saw Picasso and Michelangelo artworks. I hope to go back soon and spend more time in that amazing city.'

Posted 13 Jul 2011
by Jak

'My parents were both born in Austria, but had to flee in 1938. My mother come to Australia via Shanghai; my father went to England, then Israel and then Australia. At home, we have a couple of watercolour paintings that used to hang in the hallway of my father’s house in Vienna. We have never been there, but think about going.'

Posted 13 Jul 2011
by Anon

'My grandfather was an upper middle class Jewish man that fled his home of Vienna pre-Anschluss. When I think of the amazing works of art, design and more that surrounded him in his life there, it brings home how foreign and barren Australia must have seemed. An inspired exhibition that brought some insight into my family history as well. I thank you!'

© 2011 National Gallery of Victoria
