
- Henri-Edmond CROSS
French 1856–1910
The farm, evening 1893
(La ferme, soir)
oil on canvas
65.0 x 92.0 cm
Private collection, Paris

- Henri-Edmond CROSS
French 1856–1910
Mediterranean shores 1895
(Bords méditerranéens)
oil on canvas
65.0 x 92.0 cm
Collection of Lenora and Walter F Brown, San Antonio, Texas
Photo: Steven Tucker

- Henri-Edmond CROSS
Promenade (The cypresses) (1897)
(La Promenade (Les Cyprèes))
published in L'Album d'Estampes Originales de la Galerie Vollard portfolio 1897
colour lithograph on chine collé
28.5 x 41.2 cm (image) 43.0 x 56.8 cm (sheet)
Compin 337; Johnson 27
ed. 86/100
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased through The Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of Mr Nigel Morgan, Founder Benefactor, 1996

- Henri-Edmond CROSS
French 1856–1910
The Champs Élysées 1898
(Aux Champs Élysées)
plate from Pan, volume 1, printed by Auguste Clot, Paris, published by Genossenschaft Pan,
Berlin, 1898
colour lithograph
20.2 x 26.2 cm (image), 36.6 x 28.2 cm (sheet)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Felix Man Collection, Special Government Grant 1972 (72.509.93)

- Henri-Edmond CROSS
French 1856–1910
The breaking sea (1902-05)
(La mer clapotante)
oil on canvas
59.0 x 82.0 cm
Private collection

- Henri-Edmond CROSS
French 1856–1910
The beetle (1906-07)
(Le Scarabée)
oil on canvas
46.0 x 55.0 cm
Collection of Lenora and Walter F Brown, San Antonio, Texas
Photo: Steven Tucker

- Henri-Edmond CROSS
French 1856–1910
Toulon, winter morning (1906-07)
(Toulon, Matinée d'hiver)
oil on canvas
65.0 x 81.0 cm
Private collection, Paris

- Henri-Edmond CROSS
French 1856–1910
Woman sewing 1907
(Femme cousant)
18.0 x 26.0 cm
Private collection

- Jules Henri DELAVALLÉE
French 1862–1943, worked in Turkey 1896–1901
The well, winter 1887
(Le puits en hiver)
oil on canvas
38.1 x 45.7 cm
Collection of Lenora and Walter F Brown, San Antonio, Texas
Photo: Steven Tucker
© Jules Henri Delavallée/ADAGP. Licensed by VISCOPY, Sydney

French 1846–90
The banks of the Seine at Neuilly 1886
(Les Bords de Seine à Neuilly)
oil on canvas
59.0 x 81.6 cm
Collection of Lenora and Walter F Brown, San Antonio, Texas
Photo: Steven Tucker

French 1846–90
The towers, Saint-Sulpice 1887
(Les Tours, Saint-Sulpice)
oil on canvas
81.0 x 65.0 cm
Collection of Lenora and Walter F Brown, San Antonio, Texas
Photo: Steven Tucker

French 1846–90
The Pont des Arts and the Île de la Cité from the Quai du Louvre c.1888
(Le Pont des Arts et I’Île de la Cité vus du quai du Louvre)
pen and brown ink
15.2 x 16.5 cm
Private collection

- Willy FINCH
Belgian/English 1854–1930, worked in Finland 1897–1930
Haystacks 1889
(Les Meules)
oil on canvas
32.5 x 50.0 cm
Musée d'Ixelles, Brussels
Gift of Madeleine Maus, 1922 (OM 91)
© Photo: Mixed Media

- Louis HAYET
French 1864–1940
A poultry seller’s stand 1887
(L’Etal d’un marchand de volailles)
encaustic on calico
19.0 x 22.0 cm
Private collection
Photo © Vincent Girier Dufournier

- Louis HAYET
French 1864–1940
La Halle aux blés (Grain market) (1887)
(La Halle aux blés)
encaustic on calico
18.5 x 22.0 cm
Private collection
Photo: © Vincent Girier Dufournier

- Louis HAYET
French 1864–1940
In the café (1888)
(Au café)
encaustic on calico
23.0 x 18.5 cm
Private collection
Photo: © Vincent Girier Dufournier

- Achille LAUGÉ
French 1861–1944
Portrait of Madame Astre 1892
(Portrait de Madame Astre)
oil on canvas
198.0 x 133.0 cm
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Carcassonne
Gift of the artist, 1939 (939.5.685)
© Achille Laugé/ADAGP. Licensed by VISCOPY, Sydney

- Achille LAUGÉ
French 1861–1944
Vase of flowers (c.1892-95)
(Vase de fleurs)
oil on canvas
60.0 x 40.0 cm
Galerie Berès, Paris
© Achille Laugé/ADAGP. Licensed by VISCOPY, Sydney

- Achille LAUGÉ
French 1861–1944
Madame Martimort (c.1893–94)
oil on canvas
45.5 x 41.5 cm
Private collection
© Achille Laugé/ADAGP. Licensed by VISCOPY, Sydney

- Achille LAUGÉ
French 1861–1944
By the window 1899
(Devant la fenêtre)
oil on canvas
123.0 x 150.0 cm
Musée de Petit Palais, Geneva
Ghez collection (12856)
© Achille Laugé/ADAGP. Licensed by VISCOPY, Sydney

- Georges LEMMEN
Belgian 1865–1916
Julie Lemmen sewing and crocheting (1890-91)
(Julie Lemmen cousant et faisant du crochet)
oil and gouache on paper on canvas
26.0 x 33.2 cm
Private collection, Belgium
Photo: Luc Schrobiltgen

- Georges LEMMEN
Belgian 1865–1916
Heyst no. 13 1891
oil on wood panel
12.4 x 21.6 cm
Galerie Berès, Paris

- Georges LEMMEN
Belgian 1865–1916
High tide, Heyst no. 3 1891
(Marée Haute, Heyst no. 3)
oil on wood panel
12.5 x 21.7 cm
Galerie Berès, Paris

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
The Louvre and the Pont du Carrousel, night effect 1890
(Le Louvre et le Pont du Carrousel, effet de nuit) 1890
oil on canvas
63.5 x 81.0 cm
Collection of Lenora and Walter F Brown, San Antonio, Texas
Photo: Steven Tucker

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
Coffee 1892
(Le Café)
oil on canvas
81.0 x 65.2 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
Saint-Tropez, the cemetery road 1892
(Saint-Tropez, la route du cimetière)
oil on canvas
54.0 x 65.0 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
View of London (Cannon Street) (1893)
(Vue de Londres (Cannon Street))
oil on canvas
65.0 x 81.0 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
The port of Saint-Tropez 1893
(Le Port de Saint-Tropez)
oil on canvas
73.7 x 91.4 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
Quai de l’École, Paris, evening 1889
(Quai de l’École, Paris le soir)
oil on canvas
50.9 x 70.0 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
Portrait of Georges Seurat (c.1890)
(Portrait de Georges Seurat)
conté crayon
29.6 x 22.5 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
The neighbourhood of Vernon (1897)
(Environs de Vernon)
colour lithograph
21.8 x 35.2 cm (image), 50.6 x 65.6 cm (sheet)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Purchased 1989 (89.788)

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
Gisors Cathedral 1898
(La Cathédrale de Gisors)
oil on canvas
92.0 x 73.0 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
Charleroi factories or blast-furnaces (1898)
(Usines de Charleroi or Hochofen)
plate from Pan, volume 4, printed by Auguste Clot, Paris, published by Genossenschaft Pan,
Berlin, 1898
colour lithograph
26.0 x 20.2 cm (image), 36.6 x 28.2 cm (sheet)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Felix Man Collection, Special Government Grant 1972 (72.509.259)

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
The Quai de Montebello and Sainte-Geneviève Hill 1901
(Le Quai de Montebello et la colline Sainte-Geneviève)
oil on canvas
66.0 x 80.7 cm
Private collection

- Maximilien LUCE
French 1858–1941
St Gervais Church, view of the Seine 1901
(L'Eglise de St Gervais, vue de Seine)
oil on canvas
66.0 x 80.7 cm
Private collection

- George MORREN
Belgian 1868–1941
Laundry day (The washerwomen’s field) 1890
(Jour de lessive (Le pré des lavandières))
41.0 x 53.5 cm
Private collection, Belgium
Photo: Luc Schrobiltgen

- George MORREN
Belgian 1868–1941
Dusk 1891
(Le déclin du jour)
oil on canvas
55.0 x 67.0 cm
Private collection, Belgium
Photo: Luc Schrobiltgen

- George MORREN
Belgian 1868–1941
On the docks (Port of Antwerp) 1891
(Aux bassins (Port d’Anvers))
conté crayon
31.0 x 45.5 cm
Private collection, Belgium
Photo: Luc Schrobiltgen

- Hippolyte PETITJEAN
French 1854–1929
Stone Pine (Umbrella Pine). Sainte Maxime (c.1892-95)
(Les Pins parasols. Sainte Maxime)
39.5 x 54.0 cm
Private collection

- Camille PISSARRO
Danish/French 1830–1903
Delafolie Brickworks at Éragny 1886
(Briqueterie Delafolie à Éragny)
oil on canvas
57.8 x 71.8 cm
Private collection

- Camille PISSARRO
Danish/French 1830–1903
Peasant’s houses, Éragny 1887
(Maisons de paysans, Éragny La Chaumière)
oil on canvas
59.0 x 71.7 cm
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Purchased 1935 (6326)
Photo: Jenni Carter

- Camille PISSARRO
Danish/French 1830–1903
Flock of sheep, Éragny sur Épte 1888
(Troupeau de moutons, Éragny sur Épte)
oil on canvas
46.2 x 55.2 cm
Private collection

- Camille PISSARRO
Danish/French 1830–1903
Charing Cross Bridge, London 1890
(Pont du Charing Cross, Londres)
oil on canvas
60.0 x 90.0 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Collection of Mr and Mrs Paul Mellon 1985 (1985.64.32)

- Georges SEURAT
French 1859–91
Study for The Bec du Hoc, Grandcamp 1885
(Étude pour Le Bec du Hoc. Grandcamp)
oil on wood panel
15.6 x 24.5 cm
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Purchased from proceeds of The Great Impressionists exhibition 1984 (84.1933)

- Georges SEURAT
French 1859–91
The Bec du Hoc, Grandcamp 1885
(Le Bec du Hoc, Grandcamp)
oil on canvas
64.8 x 81.6 cm
Tate, London
Purchased 1952 (N06067)
© Tate, London 2012

- Georges SEURAT
French 1859–91
The Seine at Courbevoie 1885
(La Seine à Courbevoie)
oil on canvas
81.4 x 65.2 cm
Private collection, Paris

- Georges SEURAT
French 1859–91
Port-en-Bessin, the outer harbour, high tide 1888
(Port-en-Bessin, avant-port, marée haute)
oil on canvas
67.0 x 82.0 cm
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Purchased with funds from an anonymous Canadian donor, 1952 (RF 1952-1)
© RMN (Musée d'Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski

- Georges SEURAT
French 1859–91
Beach at Gravelines 1890
(La Plage à Gravelines)
oil on wood panel
16.0 x 24.5 cm
The Courtauld Gallery, London
Bequest of Samuel Courtauld, 1948 (P.1948.SC.397)

Gasometers at Clichy 1886
(Les Gazomètres. Clichy)
oil on canvas
65.0 x 81.0 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Felton Bequest, 1948

French 1863–1935
Study for The dining room (1886-87)
(Étude pour La Salle à manger)
oil on canvas
14.5 x 25.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
The front of The Tub, Opus 176 1888
(Avant du Tub, Opus 176)
oil on canvas
45.0 x 65.0 cm
Private collection

Application of Mr Charles Henry’s Chromatic Circle 1888
(Application du Cercle Chromatique de Mr. Ch. Henry)
colour lithograph
15.5 x 17.9 cm (image) 16.2 x 18.5 cm (sheet)
Kornfeld & Wick 4
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, 1986

French 1863–1935
Parisian Sunday 1888
(Le dimanche parisien)
17.4 x 12.0 cm (image), 17.4 x 12.6 cm irreg. (sheet)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Gift of Orde Poynton Esq. CMG, 1997 (97.1207)

French 1863–1935
Luce reading The Revolt 1890
(Luce lisant La Révolte)
pen and ink, ink wash and watercolour over pencil, final version
26.8 x 20.3 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Saint-Tropez II 1894
colour lithograph
27.4 x 36.8 cm (image), 43.4 x 60.7 cm (sheet)
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Saint-Tropez. A yacht in the port 1894
(Saint-Tropez. Voilier au port)
watercolour and ink
15.0 x 19.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
At Flushing (Vlissingen) 1895
(Á Flessingue)
colour lithograph
23.6 x 41.4 cm (image), 40.8 x 53.0 cm (sheet)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Gift of Orde Poynton Esq. CMG, 1997 (97.47)

French 1863–1935
Boats at Flushing (Vlissingen) 1895
(Bateaux a Flessingue)
colour lithograph
32.3 x 40.2 cm (image), 40.4 x 52.4 cm (sheet)
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Saint-Tropez. Fontaine des Lices 1895
oil on canvas
65.0 x 81.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Saint-Tropez. After the storm 1895
(Saint-Tropez. Après l’orage)
oil on canvas
65.0 x 81.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Les Andelys 1897
colour lithograph, with corrections
30.3 x 45.3 cm (image), 40.5 x 53.5 cm (sheet)
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Port of Saint-Tropez (1897-98)
(Port de Saint-Tropez)
colour lithograph
43.5 x 33.0 cm (image), 52.0 x 39.9 cm (sheet)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Purchased, 1980 (80.2827)

Saint-Tropez: The port (1897-1898)
(Saint-Tropez: Le Port)
colour lithograph, touched with charcoal, red and blue chalk and pencil
44.2 x 32.9 cm (image) 60.2 x 44.8 cm (sheet)
Kornfeld & Wick 19a; Johnson 138
trial proof with corrections
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, 1956

French 1863–1935
Samois 1900
16.8 x 25.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
The Seine at Asnières 1900
(La Seine à Asnières)
watercolour and ink
17.3 x 24.7 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Rainbow (Venice) 1905
(L’Arc-en-ciel (Venise))
oil on canvas
73.0 x 92.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
La Place des Lices at Saint-Tropez 1905
(La Place des Lices à Saint-Tropez)
watercolour and ink
26.5 x 40.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Avignon. Morning 1909
(Avignon. Matin)
oil on canvas
73.5 x 92.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Avignon. Morning 1909
(Avignon. Matin)
watercolour and ink
21.0 x 26.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Avignon. Evening 1909
(Avignon. Soir)
watercolour and ink
21.0 x 26.0 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Juan-les-Pins. Evening (1914)
(Juan-les-Pins. Soir)
ink wash
72.3 x 90.1 cm
Private collection

French 1863–1935
Juan-les-Pins. Evening (first version) 1914
(Juan-les-Pins. Soir (première version))
oil on canvas
73.0 x 92.0 cm
Private collection

Belgian 1862–1926, worked in France 1897–1926
Portrait of Alice Sèthe 1888
(Portrait d'Alice Sèthe)
oil on canvas
194.0 x 96.5 cm
Musée Départemental Maurice Denis – Le Prieuré, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Purchased 1978
© Studio Lourmel, Photo Routhier

Belgian 1862–1926, worked in France 1897–1926
Émile Verhaeren in his study (Rue du Moulin) (1892)
(Émile Verhaeren dans son cabinet de travail (rue du Moulin))
oil on canvas
86.0 x 75.6 cm
Royal Collection, Belgium
Loaned to the Archives et Musée de la Littérature, Brussels
Photo: Vincent Everarts Photographie
The reproduction of this artistic work is for personal, non-commercial use only and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights.

Belgian 1862–1926, worked in France 1897–1926
Calf Mill in Knokke (Windmill in Flanders) (1894)
(Le Moulin du Kalf à Knokke (Moulin en Flandre))
oil on canvas
80.0 x 68.5 cm
Private collection

Belgian 1862–1926, worked in France 1897–1926
Canal in Flanders, gloomy weather (1894)
(Le Canal en Flandre par temps triste)
oil on canvas
60.0 x 80.0 cm
Private collection

Belgian 1862–1926, worked in France 1897–1926
Girl in a straw hat (Portrait of Élisabeth Van Rysselberghe) 1901
(Jeune fille au chapeau de paille (Portrait d'Élisabeth Van Rysselberghe))
oil on canvas
81.0 x 70.0 cm
Private collection

Belgian 1862–1926, worked in France 1897–1926
Tea in the garden (1903)
(Le thé au jardin)
oil on canvas
98.0 x 130.0 cm
Musée d'Ixelles, Brussels
Gift of Madeleine Maus, 1922 (OM 184)
© Photo Mixed Media